Saturday, March 17, 2007

First recruits signed up

Grauerhimmel News
March 17th

Paymaster Makes First Payroll

The newly appointed Paymaster of the army of Hesse-Engelburg has announced the payment of the first batch of promised sign-up bonuses for those responding to the call to enlist. Rumors abound as to which of the planned units will be on display at the first muster, and betting at the SiebenZiegen inn has been varied, with the odds favoring either the Grauerhimmel Fusiliers or Princess Gertrude's Own as the first unit to muster a full cadre.

There is no word yet as to when uniforms will be ready for any of the units, but it is expected that the muster will be made even in the absence of uniforms so that the cadets presently in training may display their martial formations to impress the populace.


Translation of the above to the real world: I've just today sent off an order for my first batch of RSM95 figures, and once they're here I hope to settle them into formation and get out the camera to record their arrival. We'll see how long delivery takes. Judging by the experience of others, I have good expectations for a speedy and accurate delivery.


Bluebear Jeff said...

I think that the 'turn around time' depends upon their convention schedule and the size of the order . . . as well as what other orders they have.

They are a very small company (I've heard only two people are involved) and I'm pretty sure that they don't carry munch inventory, but pretty much cast to order.

But I've been quite happy with the figures I've received from them. I hope that you will be too.

-- Jeff

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

You must post a photo or two of at least some of your RSM95 "windfall" when the figures arrive. These particular miniatures are so good that they even look cool lined up without a drop of paint applied to them! Can't wait until your figures arrive -- Can you tell I'm excited for you?

Best Regards,


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Agh! Bad typing skills at work! ;-)


Snickering Corpses said...

Hey, Jeff and Stokes.

Can't wait myself. I'll definitely be taking photos once they've arrived.

I'm still dithering slightly over which unit to paint, largely because I haven't decided on exactly which troop type I want Princess Gertrude's Own to be. I'm actually debating slightly the idea of making Getrude's some form of Legion, with mixed foot and horse.

Ed said...

Hesse-Fedora Quartermaster General von Larrabee is currently exchanging missives with Herr Masse of RSM95 for the delivery of Bogey's Own, the Jagers zu Fuss, and a yet to be determined number of the staff.

Once I hear back, details will follow and hopefully some pictures too!