Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Identify These Figures?

Through a trade, I picked up some Highlanders. 6 standing firing, and 12 kneeling firing. But the fellow I picked them up from didn't know what maker they were. Can anyone identify the manufacturer and a part number? I need to acquire another 6 standing firing, 6 grenadier-type figures, and a compliment of officers, musicians, etc if I can.

If I can form a proper battalion from them, these will form the basis of Hesse-Engelburg's first Highland regiment. Probably mercenary, but I'm not totall decided on that.


Bluebear Jeff said...

I've no idea . . . except that they are of a different manufacturer than the ones I picked up at a "bring and buy" some 25 years ago . . . of course, I don't know what manufacturer they are either.

-- Jeff

abdul666 said...

Will they be enlisted by Hesse-Engelburg -or perhaps Ober-Schweinsberg or he Bad Nachtschwein League?

Good to see you posting again!

Best regards,

Rich, Dayton Painting Consortium, Ltd said...

The figures in the picture are RSM95 25MM SYW Highlanders Firing. Part #'s: S1-016 (Standing) & S1-017 (Kneeling). We make them. You can get are contact and ordering information at www.dpcltdcom.org.


Dayton Painting Consortium, Ltd.

Snickering Corpses said...

Thanks for confirming the identification, Rich!

And Jean-Louis, these will be in Hesse-Engelburg's army. Most probably a battalion of mercenaries, but I'm not completely decided.

Bluebear Jeff said...


I'm thinking that I might have some Scots in Stagonian service (they are based on France after all) . . . and base them as irregulars to match/counter the Croats in Saxe-Bearstein service.

That's an idea anyway.

-- Jeff

Snickering Corpses said...

The more I ponder, the more I like the idea of making them a regiment raised by a Jacobite immigrant.