Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Freikorps thoughts

While I'm not going to buy figures for it (or likely anything else much) in the near future, I've been seriously pondering creating a freikorps of Scots, in kilts, to serve in the army of Hesse-Engelburg. This is mostly due to my inate love of things Scottish and the idea of being able to paint some kilts in 30mm.

Does anyone have any examples of RSM95 Highlanders for the SYW period in pictures?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Message to Hesse-Seewald

In the names of Their Graces, the Fürst and Fürst Guntram and Sieglinde Blauerwolf, I bid greetings unto the rulers and representatives of Hesse-Seewald. Having been advised of the relative positions of our fine states, I thought it my duty to contact your government forthwith and extend our formal greetings and open a dialogue upon regional issues.

Naturally, under our present circumstances a primary concern is the current conflict upon our southern border, into which we have been drawn by the flagrantly illegal and ungentlemanly actions of the Bad Nachtschwein League in sending mercenary troops to invade our soil and threaten our southern trade routes. In view of this heinous action and believing your own state to be upon a primary trade route of this merchant league, we humbly request that you would enter into agreement to halt the flow of product from Bad Nachtschwein through your territories until such time as the grievance has been redressed and peace concluded between our Principality and the representatives of the League.

In accompanyment of this message we have dispatched Colonel Freidrick von Heiner and a small caravan of the local produce, in particular goat cheese, goats milk, and goat's hair cloth, as well as samples of the fine coal and iron to be found in our mines. We are confident of our ability to establish a base of trade and goodwill with your fine country that can only assist in increasing the stability of the region.


Burgraf Heinrich von Waffenschmidt
Minister of State

Slight Painting Progress

I got a little bit of time to paint again yesterday, and managed to complete the faces and hands on 9 musketeers, the face on the company officer, and repainted the cuffs, turnbacks, and lapels of my first figure white to allow for another try at the yellow facing color.

I've also started work on a map for Ober-Schweinsberg.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hesse-Engelburg Declares War on Bad Nachtschwein League!

While the Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has to this point maintained neutrality in the Ober-Schweinsberg civil war, Their Graces have today issued a declaration that a state of war exists with the Bad Nachtschwein League. The decision was made after careful questioning of prisoners from the Battle of Hirschtal finally established that the two musketeer battalions involved in the battle were mercenary units in the employ of the Bad Nachtschwein League. It is believed that the League was attempting to secure control of the southern trade routes as it the League is driven primarily by merchant interests. Their Graces have further requested that all surrounding nations join them in a trade embargo against all Bad Nachtschwein goods in light of the League's unwarranted and illegal attempt to invade Engelburg territory and disrupt trade.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

RSM95 Update

I've heard from Richard, and my figures are due to ship out the Tuesday after Memorial Day. Waiting isn't easy, but having a date to look forward to is nice. Hopefully they'll arrive by the end of that week.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Carnage in Bad Nachtschwein

In the largest battle yet in the War of Ober-Schweinsberg Succession, the newly formed Bad Nachtschwein League endured its first test of arms as armies from not one but both Princes of Ober-Schweinsberg marched on Bad Nachtschwein to suppress what they view as an insidious rebellion among the middle class merchants. With the army of Prince Arnold marching from the east and the army of Prince Ansgar marching from the west, Bad Nachtschwein found itself fighting a two-front conflict with its small army operating out of the walled town.

As smoke and mingling of troops increased on the battlefield, several areas devolved into confused mobs, further exacerbated by the fact that most troops on the field either wore the Ober-Schweinsberg army uniform or civilian dress, with the differing allegiances marked mostly by banners or armbands or feathers and cockades in hats. It is impossible to judge how many casualties were a result of friendly fire in the confused circumstances of the battle.

The fighting might have continued unabated except for an unexpected intervention....the Mother Superior and her charges from the nearby Sisters of St. George convent (an unusual convent serving mostly expatriates from the British Isles) marched into the field of battle and apparently upbraided each commander in turn in most heated fashion for the destruction of a stained glass window shattered by the reports from cannon fire and the trampling of one of the outer vegetable gardens of the convent. Mother Superior Agnes Pellingham, decked out in the traditional white habit and carrying the red cross-shaped staff of her office, was seen to give a particularly harsh tongue-lashing to the general of the Bad Nachtschwein for the theft of ripe grapes from the convent's vineyards by one of his regiments. Locally, the sisters are known as the Drachenonnen or "Dragon Nuns", a reference most believe to be half to the legend of St. George and the Dragon and half to the disposition of the Mother Superior.

After all sides called a parlay, presided over by the Mother Superior, the wounded of all sides were taken to the hospital of the convent and cared for by the Sisters while the armies of the two Princes retired to their respective encampments and all sides began reorganizing their tangled forces. Even at this late hour, stragglers are still stumbling into the various encampments, and sometimes hurrying right back out again to find the right one.

Feldkamp Gala Invitations

If you feel that some gentleman or lady of your populace, whether of noble birth or not, might have reason to have been invited to the Feldkamp Gala (perhaps service alongside him on the Austrian borders as a mercenary in past years), drop me a line and we'll see if there is information of interest to be garnered.

Rumor has it that much of Hesse-Engelburg's knowledge of events comes from information passed at the Galas. Of course, the peasants will say anything, after all.

Hesse-Engelburg News

Hesse-Engelburg Extends Recognition to Hesse-Fedora

The Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has become perhaps the first small state in the region to extend recognition to Hesse-Fedora, offering their newly formed regional neighbor an exchange of ambassadors. It is as yet unknown if this will sour relations with Hesse-Homburg, but with the Principality already mobilizing to deal with the Ober-Schweinsberg situation, it's difficult to tell if Their Graces are making any increase in defenses in response.

Ober-Schweinsberg Disintegrating

In what is now being refered to as the War of Ober-Schweinsberg Succession, the Landgraviate of Ober-Schweinsberg is rapidly disintegrating into various armed factions. Besides a patchwork of districts loyal to either Prince Arnold or Prince Ansgar, various cities and lesser nobles have chosen to declare either independence or neutrality rather than support either Prince. Most notable of these, perhaps, is the Bad Nachtschwein League, a trade league formed by various Ober-Schweinsberg cities and led by Bad Nachtschwein, one of the principal market cities of the Landgraviate. The League has chosen to declare itself a government, and has called upon the surrounding states to recognize it as an independent association of free cities.

Feldkamp Gala to Continue as Scheduled

Major Reinhold Feldkamp, the well-regarded commander of the General Staff Headquarters Guard, is hosting another of his bimonthly parties on the morrow at his grand estate. While there was speculation the party might be cancelled with war worries escalating, Major Feldkamp has confirmed that the gala will be continuing as scheduled. The Feldkamp Galas are attended by visitors from several foreign nations, most of them individuals or the family of individuals who once served with the Major during his time in mercenary service on the Austrian frontier.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hesse-Engelburg Issues Diplomatic Advisory

Hesse-Engelburg's Ministry of State has issued an advisory to the diplomatic offices of all states in the region regarding the present unrest in Ober-Schweinsberg. The latest reports from Ober-Schweinsberg indicate the Landgraviate to be in a state of full-scale civil war, with the armies of the Landgrave divided between the two brothers, and additional forces being raised, conscripted, or hired by both sides.

The Ministry of State recommends that all countries bordering Ober-Schweinsberg increase their border patrols to ensure that the conflict does not spill into their territory as it recently did into Hesse-Engelburg. The Ministry of State wishes to confirm that the General Staff of the Army are interviewing prisoners from the recent Battle of Hirschtal to determine whether the units involved were acting upon the orders of either Prince or were operating under the command of a rogue general for personal gain. The Ministry of State wishes to emphasize that the Principality of Hesse-Engelburg has not yet chosen to intervene upon either side of the conflict and is continuing its attempt to broker a diplomatic solution.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Digression: After Action Report

First question: no, there aren't any pictures from the battle. There's nothing really visually impressive to show, as the battle was conducted on a 2'x5' plywood board with baremetal figures using oddly shaped sections cut from green index cards to mark wooded areas. It's also perhaps done to save our BIG battalion folks from the trauma of seeing my battalions marching along with exactly six figures each. ;)

With the sudden introduction of Ober-Schweinsberg and the questions asked about relations with Hesse-Engelburg, I wanted to get in a quick little battle Sunday evening rather than simply write up another article about it. So I took my the 3 musketeer companies and 1 grenadier company of the Lintzer regiment that are NOT sitting on painting blocks and put them on the tabletop, using each company as a battalion. Two units and a general a piece, but with Hesse-Engelburg receiving the grenadier unit.

Rules used were Standing Like a Wall, though I'm not sure Ioannis would even recognize them as I was playing a battle totally scaled wrong for them. The battalions were operated as separate entities borrowing brigade level rules from SLaW, while the overall general, despite commanding a force nominally the size of a regiment, was playing using the corps commander rules. It was my first attempt at using the rules, and I have to remember to send Ioannis some of my questions. I made decisions on the fly as to how to apply certain rules.

The battle started out with the two musketeer "battalions" of Ober-Schweinsberg starting at the south end of the table, at opposite east-west edges with the general roughly in the middle, and both battalions on Advance orders. Meanwhile, the Engelburg forces started at the other end of the table, similarly spread but with the musketeers (Lintzer) on Advance and the grenadiers (von Platzen) on Support orders.

Both forces advanced, with the Schweinsberg forces slowed down by successive lines of trees to go through, and the Engelburg forces funneling inward to a central open area between two large patches of woods, where their general rushed forward and took advantage of their closeness to switch Lintzer to Hold orders, thus causing the Supporting von Platzen to halt as well. They waited there for the Schweinsberg forces.

The Schweinsberg general joined the Eastern musketeer battalion, and they advanced forward until they passed through a small wood to emerge just inside firing range from the Engelburg musketeers. Already, the separation between the two battalions was causing me a bit of trouble, as I couldn't change the orders of the Western battalion, who continued marching onward. I'd forgotten I could send a messenger with the change orders at this point.

Initial volleying from Lintzer failed to cause any casualties, while the Eastern Schweinsbergers had to wait for another activation to return fire, having already expended their action points in their advance. von Platzen stood ready to support, but took no action, as the Lintzer battalion had not yet been attacked.

Next round the Eastern battalion fired on Lintzer with little effect, and von Platzen fired back with only one hit. Lintzer, however, took advantage of the nearness of the general to switch to Charge orders, and charged straight into the flank of the Eastern battalion. Intial melee action actually went against Lintzer and the Schweinsberg general headed off to redirect the Western battalion, but in the following round their dice were hot and the Eastern battalion took heavy casualties and broke and fled.

The Lintzer commander attempted to halt their pursuit, but without success, and the Lintzer battalion charged on after their vanquished opponents, catching them in the rear and wiping them out to a man in two more rounds of melee.

Meanwhile, the Schweinsberger Western battalion was caught up to by the general, and wheeled around to advance on the von Platzen grenadiers. This provoked volley fire back and forth, initially inconclusive with the Western battalion taking gradually heavier casualties. Incidentally, two consecutive attempts were made by the Schweinsberg general to send a messenger to try to rally the Eastern force before it was destroyed, but in both attempts the messenger idly sat around considering his hope of promotion without ever actually leaving the general's side.

As casualties mounted in the Western battalion, the Lintzer battalion wheeled through 135 degrees and made a forced march across the table, to approach the Western battalion's flank. The Schweinsberg generally finally admitted defeat, ordering the Western battalion to withdraw....but he had no better luck with it than with the messenger. It promptly ignored him and continued the firefight (failed morale role to disengage). The general abandoned the unit, fleeing for his life, while the continued volleys allowed the Lintzer battalion to come into range and charge. No actual contact was made, the mere fact of the Lintzer charge being enough to break the morale of the Western battalion and send it routing off the table edge to its rear.

Monday, May 14, 2007

First Battle Honor Awarded

In a special ceremony upon the field of battle outside Hirschstal, Generalfeldmarshal Baron Ernst von Krimm awarded the Lintzer Regiment with a battle honor for their exceptional performance. In addition to the battle honor, Their Graces have commanded that the regimental mess be supplied from the royal kitchens for one week.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Battle at Hirschtal! War Imminent?

At approximately 8pm this evening, a body of Ober-Schweinsberg troops was reported by alert Borderers entering Hesse-Engelburg territory south of the town of Hirschtal. A body of Hesse-Engelburg troops responded to the threat, marching south quickly and meeting the enemy outside of Hirschtal.

Our forces under Generalmajor Count Manfred von Waffenschmidt, the newly appointed commander of the army's 1st Brigade, were able to win a decisive victory in a prolonged engagement with the invading forces. The Lintzer Musketeers acquitted themselves especially well, being credited with the complete destruction of an entire enemy battalion in a series of sharp charges, coming away with the battalion's colors. Meanwhile, the second battalion of enemy musketeers were whittled down by a withering fire from the von Platzen Grenadiers, and routed from the field by a spirited flank charge from the returning Lintzer regiment.

Enemy casualties are estimated at over 700 dead and perhaps 20 captured, while our own casualties are believed to have been approximately 40 killed and 120 wounded. The seriously wounded have been transported to the hospital at Nonnenzuflucht, while the bodies of the slain are being identified for return to their families for burial.

At the present time it is believed the handful of captured prisoners are being questioned by staff officers to determine whether the enemy battalions were operating on orders from either of the brothers competing for the Ober-Schweinsberg throne. If either Prince is judged to be the instigator of such a heinous invasion, it is likely that a declaration of war will soon follow from Their Graces.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Ober-Schweinsberg Succession in Doubt; Hesse-Engelburg Forces on Alert

News reports from Ober-Schweinsberg indicate that the reigning Landgraf was killed two days ago in a fall from his horse while hunting in the mountains. Couriers sent to deliver condolences from their Graces have reportedly found the Landgraviate in an uproar with the Landgraf's twin sons each claiming the right of rule. While it is clear that Arnold is the eldest of the twins by seven minutes, his younger brother Ansgar has reportedly accused Arnold of having caused their father's death.

Relations between Hesse-Engelburg and Ober-Schweinsberg have been cordial for the last century, though not always good in past ones, and there is some concern that the outcome of this conflict between brothers could be detrimental to Hesse-Engelburg trade interests. Their Graces have issued an advisory to all citizens of Hesse-Engelburg to avoid travel into the region while the matter is settled, and it is feared that the brothers may soon escalate from accusations to armed warfare. Already each of the brothers has been crowned Landgraf in a separate cathedral by competing bishops, and it is believed that the noble families of the Landgraviate will soon be taking sides.

Generalfeldmarshall von Krimm has issued an alert to Hesse-Engelburg forces in case the conflict should spill over, and it is reported that the garrisons of the Waldschloß, the Südschloß, and Festung Eisenschild have all been reinforced to ensure the security of our southern border.

Their Graces have also reportedly recalled Bishop Ulrich Frankel from his relief efforts in the Duchy of Saxe-Huack in the hopes that he may be able to offer his services to moderate the dispute.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Know Thy Neighbor

Because every good German state has to have neighbors, I present to you the neighbors to the south, the Landgraviate of Ober-Schweinsberg.

The ancestors of the current Landgrave received the land in gift after the first Landgrave, then a landless knight, raised and personally led a body of men into the stronghold of a powerful robber baron to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a nearby Duke. His success in not only rescuing the daughter but eliminating the band of robbers endeared him to the Duke, earning him not only the grant of the land of the former Baron but also the hand of the Duke's daughter in marriage.

Such, at least, is the official history, though there are those mostly from neighboring provinces who contend that the robber Baron was actually a partner to the Landgrave-to-be, and the entire kidnapping plot was simply a scheme to allow the knight and the daughter to marry with the father's blessings.

Regardless of the rumors, however, the Landgraviate is a small but proud country with a long tradition of arms and has been known to provide mercenary companies to many of the larger states in their various conflicts through the years.

RSM95 Reinforcements

After much dithering, pondering, and scraping together of funds, and repeated alterations of plan to maximize the purchase, there's a body of new figures en route from RSM.

Rich of RSM worked with me to make some substitutions on one of their Prussian Artillery Battery bags, allowing me to replace 5 designated crew figures with the Prussian Officer with Spontoon figure. This will give me a small 2-gun battery of mixed weight, with each gun crewed by 3 gunners under 1 officer with Spontoon. A Prussian Officer with Cane will command the battery.

The remaining 3 Officers with Spontoon will be allocated to command the companies of the Lintzer Musketeers. This will give me a battalion organization of:
4 Musketeer companies, each of 6 Musketeer Marching under the command of 1 Officer w/Spontoon.
1 Grenadier company, of 6 Grenadier Marching under the command of 1 Officer w/Spontoon.
Battalion staff of: 1 Mounted Officer, 1 Officer w/Cane, 1 Drummer, 1 Standard Bearer.

Accompanying the artillery batter is one cavalry bag of Austrian Hussars in Busby. These should form 2 squadrons of the Fuchshöhle Hussars. Later, when I can afford it, I'll add a second bag to bring the unit up to 4 squadrons.

Also accompanying these two bags are an additional 8 Musketeer Marching and 2 Officer with Spontoon. By combining these with the 4 Musketeer Marching left from the original Musketeer Marching bag, I can form two full Musketeer companies of the Garde du Corps Prinzessin Gertrude, with a command group of my remaining Prussian Officer with Cane, Drummer, and Standard Bearer.

End result, once painted up should be:

1 battalion Musketeers
1 half-battalion Musketeers
1 half-regiment Hussars

Perhaps down the line a bit, I can eek out the funds to fill out the remainder of the half-units.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Army of Hesse-Engelburg

Army Headquarters
Generalfeldmarshal Baron Ernst von Krimm
Husband of Baroness Verena von Krimm, the Chief Attendant to the Fürstin, Generalfeldmarshall Baron Ernst von Krimm is an officer of moderate experience gained mostly in mercenary service in the squabbles of one or two of the larger states. Not of noble birth himself, the Generalfeldmarshall is nevertheless well-respected, being regarded as a gentleman of excellent qualities. He is a keen rider, and a frequent participant in the fox hunts through the Fuchswald where he often leads the pack upon his favorite stallion, Sturm. He gained his title through his marriage to Verena, the sole heir of the former Baron, in a pairing undeniably that noble rarity of a love match. Even those with traditional dislike of a middle class gentleman entering the bloodline dare not speak against it openly due to the high favor in which the Fürst holds the Baron and the deep friendship between the Baroness and the Fürstin.

Major Reinhold Feldkamp
Though he is officially the commander of the small headquarters guard detachment, most of those "in the know" believe that Major Reinhold Feldkamp is destined for a bigger role in any actual wartime service. With experience in mercenary service on the Austrian frontier, it is believed that the Major would operate not only as a significant advisor to the Generalfeldmarshall, but also might be called upon for detached service to command a "fire brigade" of troops collected for key actions under the director orders of the Generalfeldmarshall. The Major is also known to maintain steady friendships with old comrades in various parts of the world, and no one seems to be certain exactly how many contacts he may have at his disposal. He is rumored to have amassed a small fortune during his service to Austria, a rumor primarily fueled by the lavish parties he occasionally throws for foreign visitors. While by no means on a level of the great crowns of Europe, his parties are still in excess of what a Major's pay or his small estate near Bieberheim would seem to justify.

Guards Brigade
Generalmajor Paul von Scheider - Brigade Commander
A man of limited combat experience, Generalmajor von Scheider is in his fourth decade of life and known to be devotedly faithful to his wife, Roswitha. Before the formation of the army, he led a body of the volunteer militia in the district near the capital, and is credited with the elimination of a band of robbers operating in the region during a hunt of six months duration. He and his wife will soon celebrate their 25th anniversary.

Garde du Corps Prinzessin Gertrude
Inhaber: Prinzessin (Princess) Gertrude Blauerwolf
Commander: Oberstleutnant (Lt. Colonel) Milheiser

When the decision to raise an army for Hesse-Engelburg was made, the very first to put personal finances behind the raising of a regiment was none other than Princess Getrude herself, eldest daughter of the Fürst and Fürstin. As is typical of royally maintained regiments, the Princess is herself the Inhaber of the regiment, but it is commanded in the field by Oberstleutnant Milheiser, formerly the second in command of the garrison of Schloß Blauerwolf itself. An unusual formation, its composition dictated by the Princess herself, the Garde du Corps Prinzessin Gertrude will field a mixed legion of infantry and cavalry of as yet uncertain size. Its depot is at Engelburg and its recruits mostly hail from Engelburg, Karlsdorf, and other towns and villages along the Schlafwasser river valley.

Wolfgreifer Fusiliers
Inhaber/Commander: Graf (Count) Rudolf von Heffernick

The second guards regiment added to the establishment, most recruits hail from Conradstadt and surrounding towns, and the regiment's depot is located there.

"Eisen und Flamme" Artillery Battery
Inhaber/Commander: Captain Steiger

Funded by the Steiger family, famed iron merchants of the city of Eisenbrückenstadt, this battery was the first artillery unit to form in Hesse-Engelburg. Most recruits for the battery are drawn from the mining families of Eisenhügel, rather than from Eisenbrückenstadt itself. The base for the unit is, however, Eisenbrückenstadt, and when not needed for field services its cannons are often mounted in the redoubt that guards the city gates.

Regular Infantry
Lintzer Musketeers
Inhaber/Commander: Colonel Lintzer

The first unit entered upon the regular establishment, the Lintzer Musketeers are owned by Colonel Lintzer, and have their depot in Lintzhausen, the town founded by one of Colonel Lintzer's ancestors several centuries ago. The Lintzer family has made its fortune off of timber sales, and many of the recruits come from the town of Lintzhausen and the logging villages scattered through the surrounding forests.

Grauerhimmel Fusiliers
Inhaber/Commander: Colonel von Schlichter

The second unit to enter the regular establishment, depot in Grauerhimmel. Recruits primarily from Grauerhimmel and surrounding towns. Its grenadier company is rumored to be formed entirely of second sons of goatherding families.

Grenadier Regiment von Platzen (Schwarze Grenadiere)
Inhaber/Commander: Colonel Rupert von Platzen

Already obtaining a reputation for their eye-catching black uniforms with red facings, the Von Platzen Grenadiers recruit mostly in the hereditary lands of the Landgraf von Platzen around the town of Platzenheim. The regimental Inhaber is the third son of the current Landgraf. While his older brothers were born to the Landgraf's first wife who died giving birth to the second, Rupert is the eldest son of the Landgraf's second wife, and much of the regiment is reportedly financed from elements of his mother's own family fortune.

Jager Regiment von Behler
Inhaber: Markgraf von Behler
Commander: Colonel Gebhard von Behler

Headquartered at Waldschloß, the hereditary home of the Markgraf von Behler, the Jager Regiment von Behler is formed of hunstmen from the forest region roughly bounded by the Waldschloß and the towns of Hirschtal and Fünfleben. Its Inhaber is the Markgraf von Behler himself, and its commander is his eldest son and heir, Gebhard. Companies of the regiment are on active service patrolling the border areas around the castle, and are responsible for keeping the road between the Waldschloß and the trading center of Südmarkt clear of bandits for the trade caravans that pass through.

Regular Cavalry
Fuchshöhle Hussars
Inhaber: Colonel Stieffer

Widely expected to be one of the most effective cavalry regiments in Hesse-Engelburg, the Fuchshöhle Hussars are formed from the town of Fuchshöhle, the center of the Fuchswald fox hunting world. Mounted on their own personal horses bred locally rather than on government-provided mounts, the men of the regiment have life-long experience riding through the local forests and hills and are likely to be used extensively for reconaissance and as guides in the event of war breaking out. Their commander, Colonel Stieffer, is a forest guide from one of the best respected hunting families in the region, which has provided the personal guides of the hunting parties of the Blauerwolf family for generations.

A Sad Defeat

At the last minute, someone has decided they wanted Soldier Kings worse than I did, and sent it out of my price range. Sad.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Debate on troop purchase

I've been debating on and off for several days now between possible troop purchases.

1) An artillery battery, which would give me some firepower of note alongside my infantry battalion.
2) A group of Hussars in Busby. I'm seriously considering doing all of Hesse-Engelburg's Hussars in busbies. In particular, I'm pondering doing the Fuchshöhle Hussars with a particular coloration in mind. Whether I can pull it off is another question. :>
3) A second battalion of Musketeers. If I follow this option, then I'm probably going to ask for a custom bag, replacing a few of the officers and musketeers with officers with spontoons to fit out my desired count of 1 per company.

Any number of a thousand other combinations are in my brain of course ;) One of the other interesting possibilities is doing a unit of Jagers using the hunting shirt figures from the French and Indian Wars or AWI lines.