Monday, September 22, 2008

A Ponder

Suppose you had available, or soon to be available, the funds for either a copy of Charles Grant's "The Wargame" (or perhaps his programmed scenarios book), or a new battalion/squadron for your ImagiNation troops, but not both. Which would you choose?


MurdocK said...

The unit.

Martin said...

I'd go for the book since it provides the foundation upon with all the rest depends. The miniatures can always be added at a later date, when the finances have recovered.

Say....speaking of which does anyone know when Grant's "Wargame Companion" hits the shelves?

Fire at Will said...

If you have never read it then the book, otherwise the unit


Fitz-Badger said...

The book (unless you are in danger of running out of minis to paint!).

abdul666 said...

The book if you don't already know it by rote! Far more complete (e.g. bridge building, map moving, campaign replacements, re-fights of large historical battles with great photos) and inspirational than the more often quoted 'Charge!', imho.

old-tidders said...

I would choose the book which is what I did when I found out is was back in print (mind you I had some unpainted figs to work on)

-- Allan

justMike said...

We is St. Maurice love the works of Grant and Young,........but really need the fire power. Both texts were the benchmark that I based my country, my collection, on, but in truth, almost nothing of either wargames rules is used in the battles between St. Maurice and Ardoberg-Holstein (I still have both texts though).