Friday, April 27, 2007

Painting - Baby Steps

I admit, it doesn't feel like I'm getting very far with my first painting attempt. But I remind myself it's a learning endeavor. My workspace has been taken over at the moment by a family computer that died earlier this week, so that's been an inhibitor to further progress. But below you'll find pictures of the first company of the von Lintzer Musketeers (6 musketeers, 1 officer with spontoon) plus the 4 spare figures from the bag, all coated with gesso.

My first test figure now has some skin color, a sloppy coat of gray paint, and an attempt at getting the yellow applied. Unfortunately, the yellow seems to have separated too much to cover areas of gray, so I need to either get it to mix more thoroughly or switch colors. We'll see which. It's possible, given the time of late fall that the paint was delivered, that the paint could have frozen and separated somewhere along the way. I hope it's just settled and I need to shake it more.

Colors used:

  1. Vallejo 70815 Basic Skintone - the lighter color which can be seen where the head and rifle meet. I wasn't satisfied with it, so I painted over it.
  2. Vallejo 70860 Medium Fleshtone - the current flesh color in use. I'm happier with it, though I may try to learn how to put a little highlight in with the former.
  3. Vallejo 70869 Basalt Grey - The basic color for coats and trousers of Hesse-Engelburg regulars. I expect to use a lot of it.
  4. Vallejo 70953 Flat Yellow - The yellow that didn't cover well the first attempt at all, being liquid thin in places. We'll try shaking it up more, and applying a second coat.

I'm open to suggestions on better ways to handle that yellow. Worst case scenario, I may switch to violet facings perhaps.

And now the pictures:

1 comment:

Bluebear Jeff said...

First off, Yellow is a difficult color to use since most yellows are fairly translucent (some almost transparent).

I've always found that a coat of white under the yellow really helps. Thus, I'd paint over the grey with white cuffs, etc., then paint over the white with the yellow.

Next, let me suggest that you go to your local "craft store" and look for the wide variety of "craft sticks" (they are essentially the same as tongue depressors that a doctor uses).

Then (with a dab of white glue) stick four or five figures on a stick. Be sure to allow enough room to easily get your brush at the figure sides.

This allows you to hold one stick while painting a number of figures side-by-side.

Not only does this mean that you will save a lot of time since you won't have to constantly be putting each figure down to pick up the next one . . . but by having them side-by-side you will be more consistent in your painting AND will catch "missed bits" much more easily.

Trust me, Jonathan, this really does help a lot.

Finally, don't get dicouraged . . . as with most anything, you will find that you improve with practice.

-- Jeff